ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 4 | Vocation | Paladin
| Achievement Points | 149 | World | Kalibra | Residence | Thais | Last login | Jul 30 2020, 23:40:29 CEST | Account Status | Free Account | Account Age | 16 years, 6 months | Loyalty Title | Warden of Tibia |
General Stats | | 1665 | | 2260 | Speed: | 530 | Cap: | 3430 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Kalibra)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
252 |
Fist Fighting |
32 |
Kalibra |
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Aio da Jhullysa | Kalibra | Aio Of Jhullys | Kalibra | Alicate Aperta Ovo | Kalibra | Chorin da Kaiser | Ferobra | Combanotres | Quelibra | Cruentum Bellator | Gladera | Dekrimus Blan | Luminera | Diagoras de Melos | Belobra | Edir Santiago | Belobra | Gabriels Knight | Kalibra | Gabriels Paladin | Kalibra | Gabriels Rooker | Zunera | Gabriels Sorcerer | Secura | Gzus Boladao | Gladera | Uncincosete | Belobra | Valdemiro Macedo | Belobra |